After a humble breakfast at the hotel du Vin on the quayside, I think most of the band vegetated in their rooms until sound check call time. I know Mark and Glenn went for a wander in the crisp sunshine whilst I napped, catching up on sleep missed. Newcastle is a mere 150 miles from Glasgow but the Geordie accent is so wonderfully different as anyone living in these British Isles will recognise. There is something about the warmth of both that is welcoming and that combined with the fact that Mark is certainly a ‘Local Hero’ in these parts means we always feel at home.

After checking out of the hotel, our German drivers Lars, Joe, Constantine and co. whisked us smoothly in our VW fleet to the backstage area of the Metro Arena. Sound check today was well routined and we rounded off a few musical corners and lighting changes before heading to catering for yet another choice dilemma. It was a bit dingy in the dining area so no food snaps today but needless to say it was all fabulous.

A few Necastle views plus our onstage voltage regulator readout showing that the Hammond B3’s like a little more than 110v.

A quick meet and greet for Richard, Ruth, John, Mike and Mark whilst the rest of us lounged in the upstairs dressing rooms.

The view from the dressing room just before we took to the stage…

The show was what it always is here in Newcastle, fabulous. It’s no great surprise that we finish the show with Local Hero but there is always something special about playing it here in this wonderful toon.